
The goals of the Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics shall also align with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The goals of OCTM shall be as follows: To foster excellence in school mathematics curricula, instruction, and assessment. To create a climate throughout OCTM that demonstrates respect for, and a valuing of, diversity. To stimulate students’ interests, confidence, and learning in mathematics. To strengthen leadership in, and service to, mathematics education. To foster excellence in professional development throughout the preparation and the career of teachers of mathematics at all levels. To encourage research and development in mathematics education. To identify and influence the forces of change affecting mathematics education. To collaborate and communicate with groups having interests related to excellence in mathematics education. 

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ARTICLE I. Name and Purpose

  1. The organization shall be known as the Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Since it is affiliated with the National Council, it will also be known as the Oklahoma Branch of the National Council of Teachers of mathematics.
  2. Its objective shall be to promote better teaching of mathematics in Oklahoma by supporting teachers with resources, publishing newsletters and journals, providing professional development opportunities and connecting members to each other, and to information beyond our state.
  3. Mission Statement: The Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics advocates for high-quality mathematics teaching and learning for every student in Oklahoma by supporting educators in their efforts to improve the learning of mathematics.

ARTICLE II. Membership

  1. Anyone engaged in or interested in the teaching of mathematics may become an active member by payment of the annual dues as set forth in Article V.
  2. Any teacher of mathematics not an active member of this organization, but who is a member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics shall be considered an associate member.
  3. Only active members may be elected to office in the Council, or vote for the general officers or receive whatever publications may be sent by the Council to its membership. Associate members may participate in the meetings and serve as chairpersons or members of committees.

ARTICLE III. Officers, Manner of Election and Duties

  1. The officers of the Council shall be a President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Four Vice Presidents, a Secretary, Membership & Recruitment Chair, Outreach & Engagement Chair, and a Treasurer. One Vice-President shall represent the senior high school teachers, one from the middle/junior high teachers, one from the elementary teachers of mathematics. The fourth Vice-President of Post-Secondary & Higher Education shall serve as a liaison and shall be from one of the universities or colleges and shall be serving in the capacity of training teachers of mathematics and shall be one who has demonstrated dedication to the OCTM and its objectives. All officers of the Council shall be members of OCTM. Only the president and NCTM representative are required to be members of OCTM and NCTM.
  2. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting. The President-Elect shall serve one year as President-Elect, two years as President and one year as Past President. The other officers shall serve for two years or until their successors are elected. Elected on even-numbered years are Senior High Vice-President, Middle/Junior High Vice President, Secretary, and Membership Chair. Elected on odd-numbered years are President-Elect, Elementary Vice-President, College Vice-President, Public Relations, and Treasurer. Terms of service shall begin immediately after the election.  OCTM Constitution and By-Laws OCTM Constitution and By-Laws Page 2
  3. The Elected officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Council. This committee shall be empowered to transact whatever business of the Council may come up between the annual meetings. In the event of the resignation of an elected officer, the Executive Committee shall be empowered to appoint an active OCTM member to complete the remaining term of the office vacated.
  4. Preceding each annual meeting the President shall appoint a nominating committee of four from different parts of the state. The President-Elect shall also be a member of the committee. This committee shall submit at the annual meeting at least one candidate for each of the offices to be filled. Other nominations may be presented by the members at the meeting.
  5. Election of officers may be either by ballot or by a standing vote, only active members being qualified electors.
  6. The duties of the President shall be those usually ascribed to such office. The Duties of the Vice-Presidents shall be assigned by the President. The President-Elect shall assist the President. The Secretary shall keep the records of the Council. The Treasurer shall collect all council dues and other money accruing thereto and shall distribute such funds as authorized by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual financial report for the fiscal year June 1- May 31. The Membership Chair shall work with the Treasurer to keep an accurate list of members and correspond with members. The Public Relations Chairman shall maintain the website and social media outlets and communicate with members and the community.
  7. An auditing committee composed of not fewer than three members, appointed by the President, shall audit the financial records of the Treasurer annually prior to the annual state meeting and shall submit a report to the membership at this meeting.

    ARTICLE IV. Meetings

    1. There shall be at least one annual meeting of the Council.
    2. Any special meeting may be called by the President on the authority of the Executive Committee.

    ARTICLE V. Dues

    1. The annual OCTM dues shall be set by the Board of Directors.

    ARTICLE VI. Amendments

    1. This constitution may be amended at any annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of the active members present.

    ARTICLE VII. Implementation

    1. For the adoption of this constitution and for the election of the first officers, all mathematics teachers present at the meeting (February 14, 1947) shall be considered qualified electors. OCTM Constitution and By-Laws Page 3 

      ARTICLE VIII. Board of Directors

      There shall be a Board of Directors of the OCTM whose organization, objective and duties are as follows:

      1. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the member from the following combination, each member to hold office for four years. a.) One elementary or secondary mathematics teacher or qualified mathematics supervisor from each of the following districts,

District representatives serve a 2-year term, voting for even numbered districts on even years, and odd numbered districts on odd years. 

District 0

District 1

District 2

District 3

District 4

The districts will be defined by using I-40 as the x-axis and I-35 as the y-axis

b.) One mathematics professor or mathematics supervisor from one of the following, every four years starting in
2019: University of Central Oklahoma, East Central State University, Northwestern State University, Northeastern State University, Panhandle A&M, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Southeastern State University, University Center at Tulsa, Langston University, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, Cameron University
c.) One mathematics professor or mathematics supervisor from one of the following chosen every four years and
alternating between the two schools starting in 2018: The University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State
d.) One mathematics professor or mathematics supervisor from one of the following private universities, every
four years starting in 2019: Southern Nazarene University, Oklahoma Baptist University, Oklahoma City University, Phillips University, The University of Tulsa, Oklahoma Christian University of Science and Arts, Oral Roberts University
e.) One mathematics professor or mathematics supervisor from one of the state-supported community colleges, every four years starting in 2018.
f.) The NCTM representative to be elected by the Board of Directors, every four years starting in 2018.
g.) One or more members whose duty shall be to edit The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher and other official Publications of the OCTM.
h.) The officers of the Executive Committee of OCTM shall be members and serve the Board in their elected offices.
i.) The Conference Chairperson appointed by the Board of Directors.
j.) Ex-Officio Members

(1) One or two mathematics supervisor(s) or another staff member from the State Department of Education, selected with the approval of the Board of Directors.
(2) Conference Committee Chairpersons

2.) Objectives and Duties of the Board of Directors.

a.) Promote membership in the Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
b.) Promote closer relationships between each district mathematics group, the state OCTM, and mathematics teachers from all levels.
c.) To act as a “steering committee” or “policy-making board”, the board would have no power except that
specifically designated by the OCTM. The primary objectives of the board are to initiate, consider, and evaluate ideas and then make recommendations to OCTM.
d.) Periodically review and make recommendations for updating the constitution.
e.) Set criteria for selecting honorary (retired) members of OCTM and recommend these names to the Council.
f.) Make contact with all school districts in their respective district at least once per year.

3.) Organization of the Board of Directors

a.) In order to have new members of the Board of Directors elected each year, the Board members shall be
elected in the following manner:
District 1-5: A Board member will be elected in 2014 and every four years after.
District 6-10: A Board member will be elected in 2015 and every four years after.
b.) All members of the Board of Directors shall be members of OCTM and NCTM.
c.) Terms of service shall begin immediately after the election and terminate at the end of four years.
d.) A director may be slated for the same position or a different position at the annual meeting. One or more OCTM members may be slated for the same position and there may be nominations from the floor.
e.) There shall be at least a biannual meeting of the Board of Directors, excluding the annual general membership meeting, with the dates to be established by the Board.
f.) If an elected member of the Board of Directors fails to attend two meetings in one year of the Board without notifying the President, the board shall review his or her case on its own merits, taking such action as seems advisable.
g.) District representatives may be nominated by any active member and will be elected at large by ballot at the annual meeting. In the event of no election the President may make an appointment to fill the vacancy.
h.) If a board member should change his/her position so that he/she fails to represent the mathematics teachers from the district from which he/she was elected, a temporary member from the district shall be appointed by the Board until a new district representative is elected at the OCTM annual meeting. 

THE OCTM DISSOLUTION CLAUSE (submitted February 27, 1973)
In the event of dissolution, the Council shall distribute assets to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1906
Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091 to be used in such a manner as will best accomplish the general purpose for which the Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics is organized.  In the event that the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is non-existent on the date of dissolution, any such assets will be distributed to an organization which shall at that time be exempt from the Federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

This Constitution and Bylaws updated June 24, 2023

© Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Attention Cindy Johnson     2400 West Broadway Collinsville, Oklahoma 74021 

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